B.Sc. (Hons.) in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)



Electronics and Communication engineering is one of the most modern and job effective subjects for today world. The electronics and communication field are ever increasing and demanding, a number of efficient and skilled personnel for the development and maintenance of the field. The objective of study in electronics and communication engineering is to train students to become familiar with performance, maintenance, operation , analysis and design of communication system and circuits. 
So to be part of this technology, you need a well defined and structured education system. Our institute is offering you such an education system which will make you a perfect competent for the current job field. 


Admission Requirements

  • Minimum GPA 2.0 in S.S.C. and H.S.C. (Science/Diploma in Engineering /Equivalent )or at lest "C" grade in both exam.
  • Both male and female students passing S.S.C. and H.S.C. at most 2 year's before can apply for admission 
  • Student having at least "C" grade in Physics and Mathematics with Science background will qualify for admission in ECE.
  • Student passing general certificate examination(GCE) in at least 3 subjects in "0" Level and 2 in "A" level having at least "C" grade in physics and mathematics can apply.


Assignment Of Credits

The assignment of credits to a theoretical course follows a different rule from that of a practical course. 

Theoretical course : One lecture of 1 hour duration per weak per semester   is equivalent to one credit

Practical courses  :  One Lab session of 3 hour duration per week per semester is equivalent to 1.5 credits.

Project  : The project work must be initiated in 7th semester. 


Tuition Fees

Admission Fees + Regular Tuition Fees   :  (10,000+  1,40,000) = 1,50,000 TK

Admission Fees + Scholarship Fees         :(10,000 + 1,20,000) =  1,30,000 TK 

Regular tuition Frees (TK)

Scholarship Tuition Fees (TK)

Admission Fees


Admission Fees


Per Semester Fees


Per Semester Fees



For Regular Tuition Fees

4 Year's 8 Semester Total Fees 17,500 X 8 = 1,40,000 TK

For Scholarship Tuition Fees

4 Year's 8 Semester Total Fees 15,000 X 8 = 1,20,000 TK


Wavier 20,000/-  if one of the exams is S.S.C or H.S.C  GPA-4.00 out of 5.00